duplicates the contents of Radio 1 (master radio) Into Radio
2 (slave radio). OnSy current radio configuration, channels
and phone numbers are copied from one radio to another.
Tuning and alignment information are not affected by
cloning. You need a cloning cable in order to peform thIf
SCI stands for Serial Communications Interface; it If used
to configure the GP68 radio and for radio to radio cloning.
The SCI port If located at the side of the GP68 radio below
the accessory connector
To Clone a
1. Lift the slap covering the
SCI port of the master radio.
2. Insert the cloning cable
jack into the SCI port
3. Repeat steps one and two
with the other end of the cloning cable and the sieve radio.
This connects both the master and slave radios.
4. Turn on the slave radio.
5. Turn on the master radio
while pressing
6. The master radio will display
the following message If cloning can proceed, otherwise an
error message will be shown (refer to'Error Conditions" on
page 40)
7. The slave radio displays the
following massage while It If being programmed.
If battery level If low, the slave radio will display and
you will need to replace or recharge the battery before
repeating the procedure.
8. When cloning If completed,
both radios will reset automatically .
9. Disconnect radios from the
cloning cable and they are ready for operation.